Name [PVE] Green Island A20
Server Location Russian Federation '
7D2D Version Alpha.20.0.238
Map HNY22
Status Online
Players 5/30
Last Checked Jan. 5, 2022, 4:17 a.m.
Likes 30  
Favorites 26  
Server Configuration Details
GameType : 7DTD
GameMode : Survival
GameName : My Game
ServerDescription : Игровое сообщество Grren Island
ServerWebsiteURL :
IP :
LevelName : HNY22
GameHost : Green Island A20
Version : Alpha.20.0.238
CompatibilityVersion : Alpha 20
Platform : LinuxPlayer
ServerLoginConfirmationText : Привет! Это сложный, глубоко модифицированный сервер. Играть на нём трудно, но всегда можно спросить помощь или совет.\n После входа на сервер нажми Esc. В КпК ты найдешь важную информацию, а также ссылки на Дискорд, магазин с кредитами, группу в ВК и описание.\n Приятной игры! \n\n Войдя на сервер, ты соглашаешься со всеми его правилами. В противном случае необходимо сразу покинуть сервер. \n\n Hi! This is a modified server. It is difficult to play it, but you can always ask for help. After logging in to the server, press Esc. In the PDA you will find important information, as well as links to Discord, a store with loans, a group in the VK and a description.\n Have a nice game!\n\n By logging on to the server, you agree with all its rules. Otherwise, you must immediately leave the server.
SteamID : 90154745793143814
MaxPlayers : 30
Port : 26900
CurrentPlayers : 5
ServerVisibility : 2
GameDifficulty : 4
DayNightLength : 120
BloodMoonFrequency : 7
BloodMoonRange : 0
BloodMoonWarning : 8
ZombieFeralSense : 2
ZombieMove : 0
ZombieMoveNight : 3
ZombieFeralMove : 4
ZombieBMMove : 4
XPMultiplier : 100
EnemyDifficulty : 0
PlayerKillingMode : 0
DropOnDeath : 3
DropOnQuit : 0
BloodMoonEnemyCount : 8
CurrentServerTime : 496598
DayLightLength : 18
BlockDamagePlayer : 100
BlockDamageAI : 100
BlockDamageAIBM : 100
AirDropFrequency : 72
PartySharedKillRange : 200
LootAbundance : 85
LootRespawnDays : 5
MaxSpawnedZombies : 80
MaxSpawnedAnimals : 30
LandClaimCount : 1
LandClaimSize : 41
LandClaimDeadZone : 50
LandClaimExpiryTime : 15
LandClaimDecayMode : 0
LandClaimOnlineDurabilityModifier : 0
LandClaimOfflineDurabilityModifier : 0
LandClaimOfflineDelay : 0
BedrollExpiryTime : 1
BedrollDeadZoneSize : 15
DayCount : 3
IsDedicated : True
IsPasswordProtected : False
IsPublic : True
EnemySpawnMode : True
ShowFriendPlayerOnMap : True
BuildCreate : False
EACEnabled : True
AirDropMarker : True
StockSettings : False
StockFiles : True
ModdedConfig : True
Architecture64 : True
[PVE] Green Island A20

If you think some information above is not accurate or you want to add more details, please contact us.

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