Our server hosting process is simple. It's designed to make your gamer's life easier. Order your server, relax and watch it being set up. In a moment your dedicated server will be ready for you to connect. Setting up your dedicated 7D2D server has never been so easy. Host with us and just play the game. If you'd like to play in Darkness Falls, War3zuk - you need just a click to enable it! Learn more about our approach here.

Order Best 7 Days To Die Server Hosting Rental
1. Enter your email. Select plan. Read carefully.
Dedicated 7D2D Server Hosting
2. You have just been signed up. Confirm subscription and you will be taken to Stripe or Paypal.
Best Server Hosting 7DTD
3. Complete your payment with Stripe or Paypal. We are not collecting your credit card data!
Order Best 7 Days To Die Server Hosting Rental
4. Upon successful payment your server is being set up.
Best Dedicated 7D2D Server Hosting
5. You can track progress. It takes less than a minute.
Best Server Hosting 7DTD
6. Bam! Here it is. It's ready for you to play. User address:port to connect.
Server Hosting 7DTD
7. Configure your server and gameplay if you need. Restart it afterwards.