7 Days To Die Alpha 20 Release Notes

TFP's biggest content dump ever is Alpha 20. TFP roughly doubled its crew size in two years and greatly improved its proprietary technologies to develop the game and create new content.

With these key upgrades, Alpha 20 moves closer to Gold:

New cities, city tiles, and a part system spawner in Random Gen World. It will wow you!

Over 200 new POIs and several changes to existing POIs. 550+ Explorable Locations

Navezgane features several new rural and wilderness villages and city enhancements.

New HD characters, some with enhanced shaders

6 new archaic pipe weapons and 13 HD remakes

New form menu with hundreds of new shapes sorted and buildable from a basic frame

Block Placement Upgrades

Our Robotic Drone Companion can carry additional gear, heal you, and more.

Dynamic Imposter System modifies POIs and player bases accurately from afar

100s of new PBR models boost rendering

New restore power night quests

Ai enemy improvements such as city spawning, obstacle attacks, head tracking, and burst assaults

Feral Sense Game Options for an Exciting New Game

Mods to upgrade and modify your vehicles with coop passenger support

New Loot Stage System, Biome and Tiered POI Loot Bonuses, and Early Game Balance

New material for the dynamic music and ambient audio system

More distinct and varied weather system

An auto detection system will adapt your game settings to better fit your hardware's capabilities has been included along with Temporal Anti-Aliasing (TAA) and AA Sharpening.

Third person animations have been updated to create a more immersive experience.

Some zombies now have a new dismemberment mechanism.

New commands, voting, and more for Twitch Integration.

Better world editing, level editing, RWG and Server.XML settings and tools

Neither prior Alpha worlds nor save data are compatible. New Pregen-Maps are available. Delete the 7 Days save game data folder before starting.

TFP is ecstatic about this release. In addition to new content, it contains bug repairs, optimizations and game balance. Read on for more details!


TFP is delighted to announce a new Random World Generation System for Alpha 20. In addition to generation speed, the System has been re-engineered to improve POI dispersion and Trader positioning. For POIs, City Tiles, and Stamps, we focused on content. Cities and highways are considerably more realistic. Wilderness pathways link to POIs convincingly. There are too many changes to mention them all, but here are a few highlights:

There are now new districts such as the downtown and rural/country town/wilderness/country residential.

With over 50 distinct tile varieties, new RWG Tiles facilitate city and town building.

New stamps to enhance and create biome-specific terrain

New river and canyon stamps

Create 6k, 8k and 10k RWG maps quicker.

City, Town, Country Town, and Ghost Town. Also, create your own towns.

More Part Spawn Markers provide tiles and POIs new Prefab options

Road exit markings align POI driveways to road ends

The game's roughly 550 distinct POIs and almost 50 city tiles have been updated for practically limitless replay potential.

Except for wilderness, all POIs have been redesigned to comply with the new city tile system. Sizes:

25 X 25 m

42 X 42 m

60 x 60 m

100 × 100 extra big

This means that heavier POIs won't be put close together, which helps keep the game operating smoothly.

new pre-generated maps will be available.

XML support for custom tiles, parts, town kinds, and more. See Server.XML and Modding for more.

The new Random Gen Preview feature allows you to edit custom maps to your taste, adjusting items like:

Town Frequency

Wilderness POI Frequency

Rivers, Craters, Cracks, and Lakes Count

Plains, Hills, and Mountains

Global randomness


By late 2020, the TFP Level team doubled. It enabled the POI team create a large quantity of new and updated material for Alpha 20.

Here are a few highlights of Alpha 20:

175 new explorable POIs

25+ redesigned POIs

550+ Explorable Spots

Many new and improved Tier 3 and 4s have been added.

Tier breakdown for Alpha 20 POI:

7 Tier 5 POIs

30 tier 4 POIs

52 T3 POI

102 Tier 2 POIs

Points of Interest – 360

To name a few of the new and improved POIs are:

“Butcher Petes” (Overhauled Tier 4)

Fab 03 ( New Tier 5)

6 flr apartment (Overhauled Tier 5)

Suite 01 (New Tier 4)

Strip 05 (New Tier 4)

Strip 07 (New Tier 4)

DT strip 09 (New Tier 3)

DT strip 10 (New Tier 3)

Strip 11 (New Tier 4)

Storage 01 (New Tier 4)

Storage 03 (New Tier 4)

SKY 01 (Overhauled Tier 5)

S 02 (Overhauled Tier 5)

SKY 03 (Overhauled Tier 5)

S 04 (Overhauled Tier 4)

New POIs have been added to Navezgane. More in Alpha 21

Recent Diersville, Departure, and Perishton news.

Surrounding settlements were expanded.

Updates to roads and terrain


Our character team has been hard updating all zombies and NPCs in HD. This is due to a new physically based rendering shader that uses packed textures and improves emissive rendering. There are also some new zombies.

For Alpha 20, almost all non-player characters and opponents are now HD. Zombie, NPC, radiated and burned zombie shaders have all been enhanced. The New HD Zombies:

Wight Zombie HD

Thug Zombie HD

Tom Clarke Zombie HD

Worker Zombie HD

Mechanic Zombie HD

Hazmat Zombie

Dog Zombie HD

Biker Zombie HD

Spider Zombie HD

Soldier Zombie HD

Lab Zombie HD

Cop Zombie HD

Tourist Zombie HD

Nurse Zombie HD

Lumberjack Zombie HD

Businessman Zombie HD

Mutant Zombie HD

Screamer Zombie HD

Stripper Zombie HD

Burnt Zombie HD

HD Trader Joel

Trader Rekt HD

Hugh, HD Trader

Bob HD Trader


Alpha 20 features a new line of pipe weapons and overhauls numerous existing weapons for a total of 6 new weapons and 13 enhanced HD remakes.

Pipe weapons are new early-game weaponry made from short iron pipes, wood, glue, and leather. The revised loot and level balance means that players will have access to a Pipe Baton, Pistol, Shotgun and Rifle early in the game. These weapons feature bespoke sounds and animations with configurable mod slots. Short iron pipes can readily repair pipe weapons. The Blunderbuss was replaced by the new Pipe Shotgun during weapon cleaning.

The current rifle tier was completed with a new Lever Action Rifle. The Lever Action Rifle's quickness and range make it an ideal survival rifle. Like other in-game weapons, this rifle utilizes 7.62 mm ammunition and has various mod slots.

Popular weapons including the AK-47, SMG, M60,.44 Magnum, Hunting Rifle, and Rocket Launcher get updated models, textures, and/or sounds. These texture and model improvements complement previous art upgrades throughout the game. These weapons' damage has been increased in addition to model and texture improvements. The bows' arrow models were updated to match the new design.

Customized Menus

Building blocks have been redesigned. For instance, every craftable material now has approximately 1300 possible forms. There are five new basic material assistance blocks:

Wood, Cobblestone, Concrete, and Steel.

After creating, attach them to the toolbelt and enter the shape selection screen using the radial menu (or Shift+R). One may refine the search by selecting a category from this screen:

Windows, Destruction, Construction, Deco and Letters

For modders, the shape menu makes it easy to add new forms to the game by eliminating the need to specify each shape with each material. Just add the new forms to shapes.xml and let the game fill in the materials during runtime. It then immediately adds the new forms to the material shape aids in-game This feature minimizes the number of crafting recipes required.

The creative menu has been reorganized into categories. Categories have been shifted to the left of the window. In the left column, choose a Main Category, then a Secondary Category.


Placing blocks has changed. The block preview now moves smoothly across the planet and has better shading. The preview will also change color to show the block's impact. Colors:

A stable block is yellow. The more yellow the block, the less stable it is.

A red block indicates a possible collapse. By strengthening other portions of the structure, this block may be inserted without collapse.

No support means this block will fall if placed.

Robotic Drone Friend

In addition to greater storage, the new Robotic Drone has better end game features. The player's intelligence can boost the drone's skills, but they may still acquire and operate one without perking into it.

The player's robotic drone is altered. Additional Mods and Enhancements to the Drone include:

Defenses of the Robotic Drone are improved with this mod.

Carrying capacity increased with Robotic Drone Cargo Mod.

Robotic Drone Medic Mod — Allows the Drone to heal players.

Players get 10% more stamina while near the Robotic Drone.

Headlamp Mod for Robotic Drones

False Flags

Dynamic Imposter System depicts changes to distant chunk POI meshes triggered by players or zombies. The Dynamic Imposter System may now show changes like as demolishing a structure, creating your own base, or changing an existing building. New players automatically get updated impostor meshes.

That's a good question. It allows you to modify existing POIs, defend a town, or create a castle on a hilltop from anywhere in the globe.

Several game option settings may be modified in serverconfig.xml based on PC strength.


True enables the system.


If true, the system will only work on player-claimed territories.


Flexible Mesh Land Claim Base Chunk Size


Higher values consume more RAM.

Big thanks to 7 Days to Die modder Danny Richardson for helping TFP develop this great new system!

Art in Nature

In order to improve the world, POIs, and overall game immersion, the Environment Art and Shader Team has been working on upgrading rendering technology. Among the changes:

Terrain Shader – Increased quality and performance with improved roughness and specular shading

Updated foliage shader with subsurface scattering, physically based rendering, and packed textures for performance.

With this shader, models may have tinted colors and the speed of packed textures is improved.

New Land Textures


Better Lighting and Sky

Grasse and cotton meshes have been considerably modified to provide greater complexity and form variability with less mirroring. For low-end machines, the mesh complexity is now set to grass quality.

New short grass sub-biome added to the forest. Slope grass positioning has been enhanced.

Trees now have a root ball to plug holes in the trunk.

Clouds - We can now preserve cross mixes for additional diversity and to better fit the weather system.

Corrections to the world's lighting, including a cloud area brightening effect.

Wind - The weather system's wind speed now affects plant speed, and we included wind gusts.

Along with the new POIs in alpha 20, there is lots of fresh graphic assets to enhance the game.

We've added new street signs as well as commercial signage and ATM's to our cities.

New conveyor belt systems and building site material stacks are added to industrial settings. New working and destructible doors such as basement doors and shutters.

More immersive devastation for your beloved environment with additional debris mounds.

A new mesh tinting technique and shader provide additional color variations to fresh art pieces.

The game now has hundreds of new and updated PBR models.


7 Days To Die questing has improved globally. To assist you discover the essential goods, starter missions now feature onscreen symbols. The challenge notes will be retired to concentrate on new quest kinds. Buried Supplies has been modified to add difficulty. This quest type now has a tier 3 variation. This is no longer the case. Each merchant now has tier-specific tasks to accomplish. Players may now choose between levels while picking a trader's task.

Restore Power is a new quest type. Activated at night, Restore Power missions demand the player to restore power to locales. Find the generators and turn them on. Beware of surrounding zombies.


The AI and enemy spawning have been much improved, including:

Industrial, commercial, and downtown districts are now more densely occupied due to changes in zombie spawning biomes. Harder biomes have more formidable adversaries in these places.

Ducking - Zombies may now duck down to avoid obstacles.

Obstacle Attacks – Zombies now attack more reliably without slipping.

Head Tracking - More options for when and where they gaze now.

New AOE burst strike utilized by the new mutant zombie

Optional Feral Sense

Zombies can only hear and see you from a certain distance. The feral sense option increases their hearing and sight, making the game more difficult. This also makes the environment appear more crowded since undetected zombies will locate you. Included are:

Doubles the range at which zombies can hear and see the player.

Zombies can identify you more readily than before.

Off, Day, Night, and All (Day and Night)


Vehicles now feature modifications, colors, and other upgrades and bug fixes. Mods help your car run more efficiently. Any dye you obtain while playing may be used to stain the vehicle's color.


Expanded Seating — Allows 2 riders on minibikes and 4 riders on 44.

Fuel Saver - Less gas consumption

Reserve Fuel Tank – Boosts tank size

Off-road Headlights

Super Charger — Boosts speed

Colors — Use dyes in the cosmetic slot to colorize vehicles.


Camera tracking – improved and corrected certain bugs

Zoom - Use the mouse wheel or controller to zoom in and out.

Fixes – Better out of boundaries checks and vehicle duplication or relocation have been handled.


The Loot Stage system has been split from the Game Stage system. Players will get loot stage similar to game stage, but there are more perks. The biome, the POI, and even the container might have a loot stage benefit. Next, the loot step will improve the item's overall quality. In challenging biomes and POIs, daring players will discover iron tools or sophisticated weaponry sooner than those who remain in the pine forest.

The progression of biome benefits is as follows:

We go from Pine Forest to Wasteland.

(NOTE: Burnt Forest is Navezgane's Desert.)

Loot has been modified to highlight early-game weapons and equipment. This allows the player to discover and utilize a better item before moving up a tier. Books like Spear Hunter and Archery are now sent early to help participants. Food, Drink, Medical, and Ammo Supplies have been tweaked to keep players on the lookout for more. Items that treat infection have been drastically lowered to restore fear.

New Tiered Loot Chests set according to POI Tiers


In prior Alphas, we aimed to maximize content originality by combining combinations. We could create sophisticated musical compositions by piling loops on top of each other. In a conventional composition, each layer is an instrument. We achieved a large number of unique combinations across all of our setups by describing how each layer is utilized in each configuration and arranging interchangeable loops into these layers.

While this schema provides for a lot of content flexibility, it is not responsive to gameplay. Our new “vertical dynamism” comes into play here.

We've partnered up with Native Darkness Productions again to offer you this latest Alpha. That is the Bloodmoon Horde. We built a theme particularly for Bloodmoon to give it the attention it deserves. We've updated our threat level system to reflect the ebb and flow of fighting in Bloodmoon. The music now adapts to the intensity of Combat as though a conductor is monitoring your every action. The Blood Moon Horde's highs and lows are now represented in the soundtrack, greatly increasing immersion.

Threat-responsive layering in new Bloodmoon music

Added complexity to layering for layered recordings

Improved randomness

There are almost 6.5 million track configurations.



The game soundtrack is constantly developing, and the audio team has created new original sounds for the new content, including:

The Twitch

New pipe weapon sounds

Doors ringing

New game vent noises (keys, buttons, etc.)

Power quest sounds

New treasure chest noises


The world's weather system is improving, becoming more distinct and variable. Among the changes:

Randomness - Better computations and shorter periods mean less weather repetition.

To distinguish between forms of weather such as foggy or pouring, snowing, or storming data were added as weather groups. Now each biome employs its own weather groupings.


We improved the game's graphics by changing many quality settings. Auto detection now looks at your GPU to select the optimum quality setting for your system. When A20 is initially run, it resets the video settings and selects a preset. New Options:

TAA is a new option. CGI smoothes edges depending on motion.

In the game, you may utilize the sharpening option to make strong edges seem better.


The Animation Team has been hard enhancing the game's animation. Among the new animation features in Alpha 20 are:

First and third person weapon hold, attack, power attack, and idle animations improved

First and third person tool hold, attack, power attack, and idle animations improved

Walking, sprinting, strafing and basic movement in 3rd person with weapons

New Zombie dog videos

The following Zombies and Parts now have dynamic movement based motion:

Stomach and total body fat

Cop – Abdominal and body fat

Big Mama — Abdominal and body fat

Hair, wounds, and a hanging hand

A soldier with a tattered uniform.

Acid bubbles on skin, with mixed animation

Screamer - Clothing, hair, jaw, tongue


Alpha 20 shows off a new dismemberment mechanism that will ultimately replace the one introduced in Alpha 13. The new functionality allows for better-looking dismemberment and customized effects each zombie.

The visual damage done to zombies varies based on the weapon employed. A bladed weapon may completely sever a zombie's head. Heads and limbs may be cut off, and certain damage cases show bespoke animations and particle effects.

Support for a restricted number of zombies will be introduced initially, with following updates supporting all zombies.


A20 adds balance, new commands, and a new voting mechanism to Twitch Integration. This includes subscribing, giving subs and raiding. We also implemented spam delay and support for custom events.

Voting adds a fresh dimension to the mix. Random votes bring new buffs and debuffs, attack hordes, and Boss Hordes! If the Vote Hordes defeat the streamer, all voters win.

Custom Events enable streamers to tailor their interactions with viewers. Those are for bits, subs, gift subs, raids, and channel points. The twitch events.xml defines them.

New commands and features:

Twitter Voting Mode

Balance has enhanced progression mode.

Some new commands are:

  • celebration - Everyone is a piñata.

  • dance off - The Fun Pimps welcome everybody.

  • foolish — A silly command.

  • reverse – 180° turn.

The movement controls are flipped.

No robotic assistance.

  • no explosives

  • no vehicle - Driving hurts.

  • no safe - Safe zones hurt.

  • no stealth — Bombs destroy stealth.

  • painting - You perceive the end as a masterpiece.

  • deafen - Deaf.

Spawning a Mutated Zombie

Spawning a Tourist Zombie

Custom Events for:

Donations in bits

Month-based subscriptions

Subscriptions as gifts

Defining a target audience.

Redemptions of CP

Mod Tools

These exclusive technologies help to speed up internal development and assist the 7 Days strong modding community. Here are just a handful of the new tools and modding features in Alpha 20.

World Editor Upgrades

When installing a new prefab, its front side is aligned with the ground level at that place.

Moving prefabs shows a glimpse of their contents.

Moving prefabs gets quicker as the player distance increases.

Prefabs may now be placed/removed using the POI Editor's prefab browser.

Show prefab names in POI selection boxes (World Tools tab)

Show POI details in ESC menu

Nearby prefabs always reflect their orientation.

POI Editor Updates

“Level Tools 2” option allows selecting all bricks of a given kind.

Allow painting just blocks inside the current selection box

Add opportunity to choose playtesting biome

Playtesting defaults to debug and creative modes.

The ESC menu indicates the POI's quest tier.

Change block density by rebinding keys

Paint Surface Radial option to paint adjacent coplanar surfaces


XML support for custom tiles, components, town kinds, and more

The new Random Gen Preview feature allows you to edit custom maps to your taste, adjusting items like:

Town Frequency

Wilderness POI Frequency

Rivers, Craters, Cracks, and Lakes Count

Plains, Hills, and Mountains

Global randomness


The command line parameter “-debugshapes” now shows which block material / shape combinations the shape system creates.

It now has a console command to put all variations of the shape / helper block you are holding.

New property “PlaceAsRandomRotation” places blocks in a random rotation.

New console command “placeblockrotations” to rotate the currently holding block.

Added “AllowedRotations” attribute to indicate a block's rotations


So long as EAC is off, clients may now load mod DLLs like dedicated servers.

HarmonyX is included to enable game code patching in-game. Patching game code files should be unnecessary for practically all modifications if DLLs are loaded on clients.

The mod code initialization function IModApi.InitMod now takes its own instance, e.g.

XML class names now allow namespaces and do not need a hardcoded prefix (e.g. custom block classes do not have to start with “Block”).

LootContainer references now use names instead of IDs, reducing mod collisions.

Menu and in-game XUi XMLs may share XUi controls and aesthetics.

The XUi pager now shows the maximum page count.

XUi dropdown box added

No more case-sensitive XML patch type names (insertafter, set)

Most XML problems display line numbers when loading/patching.

Better error warnings for “set”-patches

Client-Server and Multiplayer

To future-proof our game, we integrated Epic Online Services (EOS) to enable us to deploy the newest anti-cheat technology and subsequently extend to additional platforms for cross-platform play. Regular gamers shouldn't notice a difference, and you don't need an Epics account to participate. EOS only knows your public SteamID and correlates it to an EOS ID only valid for 7 Days to Die.

This is because the user IDs used to store data and reference players (filenames of user files, IDs in serveradmin.xml, etc.) now correspond to the user's EOS ID.

Serverconfig.xml rename

Changed default “WorldGenSize” from 4096 to 6144.


“LootRespawnDays” default is 7 to match in-game default.

Details regarding the new DynamicMesh settings may be found here.

Added Twitch options (? Lathan)

Fixed output not appearing in the server terminal window

A20 b206


Disabling spawn kinds using POI tags in an area

Types of commercial, industrial, and urban biomes

Debug POI chunk tags

Model's biped position changed to minimize wall clipping

GOS Snow Grass

grass brown, grass greenbrown, and grass greenbrown2 GOS texture maps

Grasse GOS texture map

Path snapping for close-by roads

IK gyrocopter and motorbike

Zoom in/out of car camera Up/down mouse wheel or dpad

Unlock laptop deco

Setups for wine bottle décor

Snow, stone, and gravel texture maps

Map of asphalt roughness/texture

Low RAM/VRAM graphics preset auto selection

Window Store Pane and Bulletproof Window Store Pane

Small Thin Friend


Wood, Iron, and Steel versions for cellar doors

Exclusive video fullscreen

gfx res console

It spawns in forests.

Subbiome forest heavy short grass

Subbiome variation in forest grass

Twitch Raid Events reward raiders.

Twitch Bit, Sub, Gift Sub, and Channel Point events.

Only Mods, Subs, Broadcasters, and named viewers can use Twitch Actions.

Gift subs now award Special Points. Will allow configuring the number of points given.

Redeeming missed subs/gift subs/bits on Twitch.

Changes in terrain quality at long distances

Radiated spawns to wild zombies

Wall Mirror, Broken Wall Mirror, and Random Helper

Add emissive color properties to the Entity Tint Mask Shader for lightLOD compatibility.

Modifying the vehicle's seats

No stability = pink block placement frame

Rabbit sleeper

Office Chair Variant Helper

Old Chairs Variant Helper

Bar Stool Variant Helper

Planter with Dirt

Colorized fast food booths

Colorized restaurant booths

Colorized office chair

Parking Meter

Animal chicken sleeper

Weather simrand console command

Loading tip for read/unread recipe books.

AA Sharpening option

Auto setting of graphics quality preset

Temporal antialiasing (and AA Type video option to enable) (and AA Type video option to enable)

Gfx pp taa console command

Cooler update

New player bed roll

Heights vary for grass and plant planes

Grass shape for 4 plane

Offset version of tool box open, closed, and random helper

TrapWindowStoreCornerFull, One, Two, Three, and Four Sided blocks

Concrete and rubble overhang and ramp pieces

Grass distance quality setting also increases grass mesh detail

POI version of the bedroll (Only tan for now) (Only tan for now)

Loose Boards Block 3×3 Half and Half Offset traps

Loose Concrete Block 3×3 Half and Half Offset traps

Conveyor modular set

Apartment mailboxes

Diner Menu Board and Diner Menu Board Centered

Shopping Basket Set

Plant02 update

Street lights update

Bathtub Set

Gibs/Bones/Gore Decals

Block preview slide to position

Wind simulation speed changes grass and tree movement

Grass and tree wind gusts

POI aaa 5m round test to showcase many uses of 5m water tower block set

Weather wind console command and changed wind zone and plant shaders to reflect the speed

Fake Cabinet Door 1×1 and 1×3 Concrete blocks

Sleeper volume global spawn cap per tick

Editor density adjustment inputs are x50 the amount when ctrl key down

Zombies can crouch if low head clearance

Church Bells

no vehicle, #no explosives, and #no robo to the Twitch actions.

Manhole hatch

Random number helpers with and without zero

Post office signs

Block GndAlign which aligns the block model’s height and angle with a near ground collider

City Signage

Utility pole models

Restaurant table modular set

Add FeralSense option to serverconfig.xml

Post Office Mailbox

Newspaper vending machines

Block placement stability indication (yellow/red)

Modern Casket

Duct Control Panel set

Block preview fades in when block value or texture changes

New Bloodmoon Combat Music

AI head tracking variety

Min/Max size in blocks to rwg mixer xml

End Table Set

Control Panel Set

Fire Hydrant

Tree saplings are now placed with random rotations

New navezgane sign model and PBR textures, better collision

Starter Quests now show nav objects for stones, small trees and birds nests.

Shift + Reload to shapeMenuTip Journal Tip

Improved RWG water border stamp

Improved RWG crater stamps

“screeneffect clear” console command

Improved RWG lake stamps

MinEventActionAddOrRemoveBuff (player cold/hot now uses)

Improved RWG canyon stamp

BlockShapeNew ModelOffset support

Improved RWG hills stamps

Improved RWG river stamps

Safe Set

SDTD  11676 Tarp fences and free hanging tarps

Updated cooking pot, hubcap icons and their mine variants

Bathroom stalls

Laundry carts

Biome weather groups

Weather group fog adds to spectrum fog

Weather group spectrum

Weather console command “d” alias for default on all

“gfx skin” console command to set global skin bone weights

Vehicles are locked when placed

Vehicles will show if locked to you in the tooltip

Snow particle near swirling force

New weather rain calculation

First pass RWG desert biome land border stamps

Update Munitions box

11823 cooking pot update (also updated hubcap) (also updated hubcap)

13561 Mine set

Ability to have biome specific world borders for both land and water

Item Explosion.Duration property (Sets life and adjusts particle duration) (Sets life and adjusts particle duration)

Car helper with cars that are 3 wide for flatbed trailer and other places where they need to be centered

Terrain cluster spawning parameters to rwgmixer.xml

First step towards randomized biome support

Semi flatbed trailer

Player full body has E Mesh tag so particles can attach there

AttachParticleEffectToEntity offsets mesh shape particles in front of player if first person view

Ability to have multiple variants of any named stamp

Randomized land border so maps are not always islands

More controls to the RWG Previewer to allow controlling terrain distribution

Generate Town option for checking heightmap output only

Default values and scaling control to rwg mixer

Vulture electrocution motion

Aluminum garbage pallet

Character screen mockup for old and new UI

Wood Bars Corner and Iron Bars Corner recipes

New Raised Bed style Farm Plot Block

Old Stove


Toilet 01, Toilet 02, and Toilet 03

King Sized Bed updated

Modular restaurant booths

HD Nurse prefab setup, dismember, motion

Added xml, loc, icons, and enabled read/write for microwaves

Tier 3 Buried Supplies quests.

You can now navigate through the quest tiers at trader.

Can now loot seeds and other misc. items from produce containers

TreeStumpPOI that does not have the StabilitySupport flag (i.e. food pile on top of stump in lodge 01)

Ctrl + num period does a “killall all” command if debug menu is enabled

Retro and Stainless steel Refrigerators

Ambulance and Service Vehicles all models, LODs and Collision

Gamestage console command shows lootstage and biome

HD Screamer prefab setup

Stealth check when player enters a “Attack” trigger sleeper volume

Ctrl+shift+q god casts you backwards

Aaa crown test POI that showcases all of the crown molding shapes with examples

Aaa plate cladding that showcases all of the plate cladding shapes with examples

Cube 1/4 4Way Side Centered and Cube 1/4 5Way Centered to the same menu

Modular escalator set

Terrain quality setting adjusts mesh detail at distance

Sided Centered Water Cooler and Water Cooler Bottle

Centered Table Lamp

Traders now dance.

New wood, corrugated metal, and concrete trap blocks

Damaging a passive sleeper clears passive on their volume

Secondary motions to Screamer mouth and body

Localization call for New Random World

Entity tint mask emissive multiplier slider so artists can have more emissive intensity range

Player effect debug panel buffs show “From name/id”

Business Glass Pane 2×1 (Trap) blocks

Base 01.raw is a base image that is stretched over the map to have rolling plains

VehicleManager waits on current save before doing shutdown save

ZombiesForestDowntown, ZombiesDowntown and ZombiesWastelandDowntown biome spawn groups

Wooden Chair, Broken

Old Chair, Broken in various colors

Ground align to centered bird nest

Blue and Red Zpacks drop from tough and boss zombies with slightly better loot

POIMarker tagging to filter POI’s that can spawn in a given POI spawn marker

Custom shadow casters for Medical Cabinet, and Medical Cabinet Empty to prevent shadow holes on the walls behind

Color tinted versions of all 3 mailboxes

Recipes for mailbox variant helpers

Random helpers for all 3 mailboxes and all of their colors

Small Food Pile Random Helper with a 50/50 chance to spawn as air

Corner versions of Domed Trash Can Empty, Full, and helper blocks

New catwalk trap blocks and random helpers

Contiguous Surface Fill option to paint brush

New option to make aiming either hold only or tap/hold

Arrows for craft amount continuously increase when button is held

Close windows with TAB while text input is focused.

compass directions

Allow deleting save games with DEL on the continue game screen

F11 starts DebugShot

DebugShot saves perks on/off.

UI Size option restricted on small aspect ratios so the complete UI fits

New camera sensitivity slider

Tip for Twitch loading

Armor and miscellaneous headgear item tags for the trader window

a ceiling and table projector.

Ragdoll dog and wolf

ai ragdoll


Trading thrown explosives

Updated scorched and barren debris heaps based on input.

AI wall hit blending improved

10% to 15% increase in pine forest noontime fog

-Shorten the spider zombie huge collider

Rearranged book stacks and shelves to reduce paper found

Reduced chance of looting yucca juice

Reduced the amount of murky water in toilets

Snow grass albedo for new foliage shader

Campfires can no longer be lit using wielded or wearing goods or ammunition.


Removing Snowberry Plants

Trader loot snowberry removed

Movie posters, like other posters and artworks, are now glass.

Steamed or grilled corn on the cob now gives 10 Food and 5 Health.

It now gives 10 Food, 5 Health for Miso, and Chicken Soup (no water changes)

To prevent tree shadow clipping, set Fir2 and Fir2Snow to Nature/SpeedTree8.

Deleted rotten bread from loot and recipes

Disposal of rotten bread and sham sandwiches

Harvested crops no longer become seedlings.

Player-planted crops now yield 2 fruit with a 50% probability of a seed.

Half as many POI crop helpers now generate a harvestable crop.

Traders now have a 50% chance of finding antibiotics on inventory replenishment.

Updated albedo and normal maps for grass brown, grass greenbrown2, and grass greenbrown22

New foliage shader albedo and normal maps for desert shrub

Pathing cost of reversing

Terrain concrete specular/roughness matched to block concrete version for better mixing

Item, recipe, and trader grain alcohol removal

Beer in lieu of grain alcohol

New Chainsaw and Auger Icons

Across-vehicle camera turn

Quality 1 ranged weapons are no longer on sale.

A20 formatted loot list for cntShippingCrateConstructionSupplies

Adjusted snow albedo texture

Refined forest ground albedo and texture maps

Using shapes instead of traditional wood crown 1/2 blocks

decreased HP and removed upgrade path for destroyed blocks

Reduced shape destruction HP for easy replacement

Removed old IBeam upgrade path

Burnt bricks are now wood forms.

Compound bow mesh update

Deleted a lot of debugging

POI count 6k global wilderness

Increased ancient west tile count

Stealth ambient light computation improvements

Auxiliary iron and steel cellar doors for all repair tools

CntConstructionSuppliesRandomLootHelper only downgrades to

New conduit models, symbols, and harvest

Dimming of sunlight around dusk/dawn

Redrawing of zombie eyes

Desolate the forest led sub biome

Fixing sunlight leaks in POIs, blocks, and beneath characters' hats

Super Corn is now 8x more valuable.

Grandpa's recipes now include Super Corn.

Wetlands added to Fireman's Almanac Completion perk

The Fireman's Almanac Completion perk now mentions the desolate biome.

Added tougher zombies to wasteland spawning

So merchants spawn, gateways enforce a half-marker size minimum.

Re-written lightLOD script to use Entity Tint Mask emission attributes

Rebuilt prefab and combined traffic light components to correct the lightLOD activation flicker only seen when a second traffic light is added to a scenario.

endTableLampPrefab updated to operate with new lightLOD emission

Updated all street lights to emit lightLODs.

Cleanup of placeholder transition code in ShaderSwayingGrassSurface.shader

To prevent an extra texture array, converted microsplat shader to specular process.

Added thicker forest ground material to match the new foliage card assets.

Updated deadpinebranch01 textures and included packaged GOS map

Updated snowberry textures for new shader and packed GOS map

Updated tallgrass textures for new shader and packaged GOS map

Tweaked tallgrass2 textures to work with the new shader.

Tweaked tallgrass3 textures to work with the new shader.

Tweaked tallgrass4 textures to work with the new shader.

LanternDecorLight now defaults to bottom

Reworked the damaged concrete block set forms, UVs, and icons

xml UV settings and stair UV's standardized

Players and archetypes no longer have a backpack.

BlockValue GetHashCode and BlockPlaceholderMap Replace

% increase in forest grass

Old chairs and office chairs now stack as an assistance.

Bar Stool is now a trader assist.

added shadows to weapon flashlight mod

Biome WorldDecoratorBlocks

Reduced honey harvesting from stumps

Small refactorings

Prefabs.xml Navezgane POI updates (Will)

World global ambient values in all four biomes

Sky lerp values for increased contrast and shadow reduction

New grass shader

Less acid in loot

Food and agricultural recipes in cabinet loot group

Low likelihood of finding farming and culinary recipes in mailbox loot

Prefabs.xml Navezgane POI updates (Will)

Metal Letter Helper has been removed from the forge making list.

Metal Fences and Railings Helper now has Thin Metal Rails in the shape menu.

Ultra to Temporal AntiAliasing

New graphics, thus choices reset

Spcular falloff improvement

Reduced rendering artifacts with TAA motion blending and sharpness.

Video quality settings for temporal AA

Grass has tri plane meshes and two plane aligned colliders.

8 grass random rotations

3 planes of grass, 2 versions

Added decoCarMotorFlat harvest events and goods.

Dimmed flashlight

Mesh generation optimized

Grass collider optimization

192 grass mesh variants

Post-processing balancing to enhance in-game darks

Replaced window trim in house old tudor 06 to avoid zfighting

Abandoned home 08 window trim update

Fix for terrible paint on cupboardCorner shape in global UV xml

Discontinued stainless steel polish and resourceInsulator in items.xml

Added shovels to the Miner 69'er reward tier descriptions

For present, Shamway freezers and coolers employ cooler open/close noises.

For Shamway beverage coolers, use Cooler instead of Freezer.

Shader type on until Autodesk signs seem unlit

VexMesh Optimum (temperature lookup and AddRectangle)

Unused Graphics/Model elements removed, better rotation handling

G/M objects removed from supply plane

Bed roll no longer returning more fibers

Visibility of block preview frame

Issues with Catwalk Wedge Metal UV's and paint


Zombies share a prefab without a box collider.

Disposal of old box colliders from deer and wolves

Set loot and sleeper/zombie respawn to 7 days.

All POIs have old store shelving removed/replaced.

Prefab chicken, rabbit, and snake

Recipes.xml blocks removed

Loot.xml frame helpers removed

No longer in traders.xml

POI blocks removed or replaced

Widening of the block density clamping range to allow for a flat terrain slope

Editor door damage inputs use +/ 1,10,50,500

new adobe white block

Wedge Tip Half Tee UV Update

skyscraper 03: steelShapes:cone for steelLogSpike6

Using an emissive material and light source, set up a tiny generator to

InactiveItems object created on demand

Entity optimized for graphics/model objects

NPC Graphics/Model and CharacterController prefabs removed

new renderFace blockShape

paint on outside face updated 33 loose board and concrete traps (Must paint WEST face of first block to transfer to downgrade block)

Set the writable storage box as the helper's default block.

PlantedBlueberry3Harvest, plantedSnowberry3Harvest, plantedGoldenrod3Harvest, plantedCotton3Harvest, plantedChrysanthemum3Harvest, driftwood, driftwood2, decoCowSkull now have random rotations. Small stones, grasses, and bird nests are omitted due to their small size and lack of diversity.

3 shattered traps with new wood and concrete textures

Bug fixes for cube 3x3x1 destroyed wood

Refreshed UVs on agricultural plots

FarmPlotBlockVariantHelper to FarmPlotBlockPlayer

renamed Drywall orange (138)

After looting, cntModularClosetClosed becomes cntModularClosetOpen.

Now utilizing frameShapes:VariantHelpe

Moved blue rusty metal update to metal base

Smoke particles onFire

Set default traffic and crosswalk light emissive values

Show Stability in debug menu

Enabled debug menu Client Stability

Update ID 82 Metal Wrought Iron to match the new streetLight01 texture

Sleeper volume respawn days for loot

Bug menu Recalc Stability

Optimised stability analyses

Added lighting category to creative menu and labeled POI lights.

Adjusted collision on catwalks to enable rail shooting

The enemy's basic hit points are random. So a 1% damage boost from a perk reduces the number of strikes required to kill foes.

Added model icon to end table light

Crafting paint now gives twice as much

Predictable block previews

Accelerated block preview fade-out and player speed threshold

Player made wood window glass is clearer.

Paint may now be mixed over a campfire using a cooking pot, but it requires more resources.

gunRifleT2MarksmanRifle renamed to gunRifleT2LeverActionRifle

2048 map texture reduction

Traders' prices doubled

Enemy Animal distance hardcoded

Game Difficulty, Day Night Length, and Day Light Length moved to General options

HD biker zombie character shader port

in-game texture sizes for biker zombies

Prepare radiated prefab material

Prefab using radiated material

thug ingame texture optimization

Selection box axis now includes line length

Baked chunk collider meshes

Car pooling and cleaning

ConvertDTMtoHeightData accepts a color array for threading.

Prefab spawning moved from DistrictPlanner to Township

ForceRenderingOff instead of enabled

To minimize misunderstanding, only AP arrows display this metric.

Traders' beaker price rises, chem station value rises

A revolver can be silenced, but it won't have the intended impact.

rwg tile industrial t

RWG utility waterworks 01.

RWG Remnant burnt 05

Utility electric co 01 questable modified to A20.

HD nurse zombie character shader port

Modified Nurse Zombie texture sizes

.73 to.5 nail gun delay

Generator now utilizes coroutines for progress and message windows.

HD business zombie character shader port

improved in-game texture sizes

Prefab decorator finds prefabs near player

Prefab decorator display optimization

Loading time for prefab decorators has been lowered.


Post-processing ambient sky night sky increase

Optimised entity group spawning skip

Waterworks for RWG industrial tiles from 4545 to 6060

Oneshot guns don't show a rpm.

Refreshed glass mirror block

1 assistance brick for all stoves

All microwaves in one block

New POIs for stove and microwave assistance

Height adjustment of vehicle cameras

Updated shape icons

Raster and rougher shading of trees

incorrect shader in carMixed

Better HD Fat color space balance

improved post-production global indirect lighting

Cold status overlay texture update

Hot screen overlay texture update

Adjusted Death screen overlay

Shiny b paving

Copy chunks every frame and check time per display reduced

Updated b materials

Post-processing Saturation Re

de-saturation des s

Snowy spectrum reduces fog.

Albedo adjustment for nursing zombies

Trader prefabs renamed and relocated to match

redesigned red b block

Feral and non-feral burned zombie prefab eye visibility

Darken the regular charred zombie material emissive

Reworked emissive texture channel.

Wild charred zombie now has fire particles.

All xml files now have no Cheerleader, Cowboy (Old Timer), or Farmer zombies.

Deleted cheerleader, old timer, and farmer source art

DIY Cinderblock Wall

To improve color lerp accuracy, remove the entity tint mask.

Stool model entity from block model

Custom circular table collider

Custom bar stool collider

Updated shader colors for shipping container tint

Updated tarp shader colors

HD Burned Zombie RMOS to RMOE

Emissive texture channel for Irradiated and Ember glow

HD Burnt Zombie Emissive color value

Removed gamma to linear conversion from character shader

irradiated emissive alpha channel HD Fat intensity

Hill stamps spruce

noise, frequency, and saturation reduction

TableDynamic IsTerrainDecoration removed due to geo problems

Added harvest/salvage/animation properties to various blocks.

Optimised UI effect

Cold and hot screen effects improved

Fixed microsplat procedural snow height values in deep valleys

Changed global skin quality from 2 to 4 and added animals/zombies from Auto to 2.

block-shape memory usage

Table candles set by players may now be taken up. It will offer a candle.

Improved meshing

Parsing of world decorator water xml

Image processing of the world decorator water

The new industrial washer, carts and rag heaps at Hotel 01.

Global rain to add to rain/clouds group

Absolute biome temperatures

Better weather temperatures


Changes to biome weather

Improved player weather metrics and cvars

Weather console command defaults to neg

individual weather console command defaults

Improved snow particles (rates, sizes, speeds, colliders, lighting/blending (lighted shader, Far utilizes near cam fade)

Better weather temperature changes

low rain particle counts

Weather console command help improved

Content randomization in DMS

Improved Molotov splash-to-flame transition

Set missingBlock's creative mode to None to prevent players from placing it.

Plateaus were removed as a terrain type.

4k was too tiny after world boundaries were erected, thus 6k was used.

Character Shader optimizations

HD irradiated emissive map

Stamps renamed to fit new configuration

Better tree harvest fade off

Cut back on tiny trees

New skinnedanimated molotov mesh

PBR versions of Molotov textures

Remade Molotov fire effect, no custom shaders

Deleted project's custom molotov shaders

Calculation of MinEffect value

Updated Entity Stats to operate across ticks.

Rendering of terrain blocks improved

Saturation reduction on dirt dust

adg campfire particle spawn

Disabled mesh generator block lighting calculations

Fallen tree fade away

Shader for UMA emission

BlockUpgradeRated upgradeRate 15

ShadeModelEntity sets BlockTintColor to a Color value (hex or R,G,B in xml).

Tinting and instancing black vehicle blocks

Decorate chunk loop for prefab

Cycling to tint shaders and textures

New toilet icons

“MeshDamagex” paired with health values

2D truss blocks now 2D

Particles on AK47

Sniper Rifle Particles

Moved text in Water POI icon

traders rekt and trader hugh

Poi trees have been renamed to treeStumpPOI.

Using a tint mask and a shader

Allow any block to have ParticleOnDeath override material.

Updated trellis ladder pathways in POI's with woodTrellisSquare and removed woodTrellisDiamond.

Set random rotation to false for med and big assistance trees to avoid clipping POIs.

Mountain Pine12m from tiny tree helper

Drink server materials updated

Laser attachment beam vision improvement

Worker zombie dismemberment setup

global dot laser attachment

Fire impact on assault rifles

Damage and armor displays now show 1 decimal digit

Auto-fire admin paint brush

armor piercing effect on spears and AP ammunition. Improved armor penetrating effect of spears, AP ammunition, and arrows

Hollow Point rebranded as HiPower ammo with no armor penalty. Shotgun/turret rounds have no armor penalty. Recipes adapted.

Bow and crossbow damage buffs

Added perkFromTheShadows max light level 65

Mountain lion spawning probability in snow biome dropped

Added seeds to grow baskets

Deleted Tree Prefab POIs that were manually inserted in Navezgane and utilized in biomes.xml

Sleeper footsteps may be heard.

Added new foliage shader growth variants

ModGunMeleeTheHunter increases animal damage by 25%.

Blending and motion of clouds

Store shelves now only show “shelf” on ingame prompts.

Lights now refresh every frame and are brighter.

Added random brilliant patches to clouds when lightning strikes

One-by-one, traders may now sell testosterone.


Deleted old pill case texture

drywall orange block texture

Removed pole top01 block assets

The coffee plant, goldenrod, and chrysanthemum were ported.

If BuffClass is missing from player effect debug panel

Rebalanced vehicle, tool, and weapon dye colors

Modified radiation area stamping

rwgmixer.xml entries with 0 iterations

Fabric and scrap armor now mend using cloth and iron, like other primitive things.

S Zom Snow renamed S Zom Lumber Jack

Fixed the railing colliders on metal stairs to allow projectiles through.

A rework of Skyscraper 03.

Conversion of entity model baked model atlas for texture memory optimization

50% less pew saturation

Transform nonstreaming zombie textures

Updated bookcase empty's face assignment to enable helpers to keep the paint.

fewer entities generated

EnvironmentAudioManager trash reduction

Gas Can Stacks now need 800 oil shale and unpack to 10000 Gas Cans to be crafted.

Revised water looting and exploding plastic barrels

For the same reason as the shadow bias rollback.

Legs in a cast or splinted should get steroids.

Sprained or broken vulture legs

Reduced probability of a critical strike breaking a sprained limb

ZPack treasure bags now come in three tiers (normal, powerful, and boss).

Due to blobby resolution difficulties with quality settings lower than Ultra, treeDeadTree01 and treePlainsTree2 LODs were removed.

Tanb02 Mod

Rebalanced wood, steel, and scrap collisions to reduce zombie head pop.

Drop Color Tint Shader Support in ZPack

Player-planted grass now utilizes short grass.

If grown in the desert, treeDesertShrub is now used.

The appearance of ScreenEffects Blur Shader has been improved.

Removed all quest-related goods, loot, and quests.

XUi Player Start Points Editor in World Editor

ZehMatt's chunk locking optimization

The editor's default DifficultyTier is now 0.

Regular game now has the option to paint all sides.

Creative/Editor blocks do not reduce inventory stack size.

Reduced frequency of non-running SteelSeries client warnings

Added Christmas loot items

This recipe now yields hayBaleSquare.

Large Pet Cage is now a 1x1x2 multiblock to avoid clipping.


Too dark file cabinet inside

Improved visibility of tire smoke

Clients' vehicle position stutter if not the driver

Inside vehicle passenger camera started

Getting inside cars causes a camera jump.

Flying mode breaks vehicle camera

No chickens or bunnies hit by cars

VehicleManager duplication problems

jittering vehicle/camera

Strange vehicles with high speed lead to block damage and big movement.

Bicycle Stamina Hack

After a block is broken, AI moves forward/back, fishtails, and

Zombie collider launches player 2 meters

Spider landing anims block it

Zombie spider head through walls

Obstacles to Fat Cop (not in A19) and Hawaiian Zombies

Sleepers won't fall update state

More than 255 zombies in a sleeper save

Sleepers born on diagonal edges bouncing in the air

Sleeper volume is not creating groups

Dropped loot bags prohibit digging

The brightness choice affected stealth.

PassiveEffects LightMultiplier's stealth light level was incorrect.

ADS trembling around 0,0

The held torch self-lights other players' held goods.

No light held candle

Player shadows from candles in p2p

LightLOD might check for improper block position.

LightLOD attempted to examine blocks

Explosive damage modifiers don't function

Thrown explosive creature damage buffs don't function

If the origin is not zero, the explosion obstacle checks.

Entries missing 1 in 11 ticks

Bleeding kills didn't always grant XP

Foot floaters off the ground

Camera shaking breaks camera turning.

Weapon zoom ignores release in certain circumstances.

The zoomed weapon model cannot hide.

3rd person ghost reload

Smoke plumes that follow the player

The world decorator might utilize the erroneous location if the radius is outside the chunk.

If a biome had no prefabs, world decorator would bypass them.

Errors in biome spawning regions

The spawning area rect was 2 pieces off.

XML didn't provide subbiome probabilities. Rebalanced

It did not alter seeds across y locations.

If position was adjusted, CreateMesh would update the block preview.

The block placement preview textures are wrong.

flashing green selection

Updating far-flung POIs

Artifacts caused by vertices with differing normals

Added line color gradients and 3 pixel line thickness to the axis arrows

Quest Event Manager not granting vultures a kill

Quest rally does not correctly reset grass and other deco.

Duplicate sleeper volume ids caused by POI resets

Delay of supply box smoke/lights to 90 seconds after landing or loading

Tactical Supply Crates

No cold or hot screen effects

Geometrical voids

SkyManager time may be off (visual artifacts)

Jumping snow particles

Temperature change if you travel back in time

Weather Manager Thunder Error

command to reliably trigger and place at player

Temporary pause of Weather Manager biome randomization

Discordant background cloud and elevated position

Evening rain with clear sky

“weather clouds” console command.01

Darker lightning

No directed light from lightning

Molotov Flame effect lasts longer

Wrong world space UVs from twisted glass

Cameras may provide an undetectable subterranean UI.

Chem station added crossfade in fog (glass).

textured GlassBulletproofPlate

TreePineBurntFullMed billboard vanishes

Trees vanish at 10+ meters, including an azalea.

Trees off console command turning them on and off

StabilityViewer is not removed by “stab clear”

Resolution options are limited if less than 1:1.

Unable to construct or partly load worlds

ClearSlotByIndex Allocations

A similar audio component has been added.

Multiple threads calling ChangeBlocks null

Remove obj null and update skip next item if obj null

In-game zombie bear pbr texture value balance and material attributes

Too dark suitcase interiors

Black Exercise Bike

Too dark coffee maker

Too dark inside washer

Too dark toolbox top

Lighting may wipe away tree LODs.

Exit sign letters with a haze

Black inside owing to reduced ambulance AO due to texture AO and SSAO.

Soldier Zombie shading error. Removed radiated variant's feral eyes. B)

The zombie Lab Radiated has texture/lighting issues. remapped and rematerialized

A quest too near to another POI might shatter tiles.

Quest activation chunk resets potentially delete nearby POIs.

Unusual LOD transitions in TreeDeadTree01 and TreePlainsTree2.

Demo zombies take no damage from HP ammunition.

Achieving a dark camo canvas

Thug zombie smashed norms. Set Tangents for Mikktspace

Added pallet bs broken, broke2, loose, and top variation caps

Bear texture values balanced for current scene lighting

Prevent deadpinebranch01 mipmapping to black


Editor's little prefab affects terrain

Player lights are activated by default when logging onto dedi servers.

Using the right emissive material on a zombie

Trader Rekt recalls how to scold the player for not purchasing.

Vertex normal fix rebalanced short grass values

NEW - Pure black alpha edges for better mixing

POI fastfood 01 has concrete instead of tiling beneath booth.

A tier 3 POI is unlocked in house modern 05.

Twitching actions now saves to saved game.

Hands-free advanced wooden bow

All bows' procedural recoil reduced

Pipe MG reload sync fix

AK47 reload sync repair

Hands and weapon synchronization corrections for pistol mix

It no longer has reflex on by default.

Prefabricated Pipe Rifle Silencer

When completely buff, the Pump Shotgun weapon model fires.

Female Fat Zombie Texture/Lighting Issue (B)

Cannot paint front letter sign numbers

During battle, hitting anything charges the stun baton.

Sticky arrows across game modes

Rasgdoll Fat Cop Mesh Stretching

Heal Others on Zombies and Vehicles

Stacking fall distance while not falling is possible in certain situations.

Chainsaw speed increased.

RWG generation failed assertion

Forced Trader material ID update to correct missing materials

Highways occasionally cutting through communities

Gateways had just one highway.

Only trader hugh

Unregistered road exits

End table lamp is dim

Stair Zfighting

Block/entity laser clipping Junk Turret

To avoid wooden desks from sounding like metal/filing cabinets, a new loot list was included.

Tagged prefabs not spawning in RWG

Integer random number rolls not working

Unholster flashlight, hold match

New posture for flashlight hold/attack anims

Storm clouds in snow biome

Optimised and changed sticker phone number to a phony “555”.

Auto Shotgun no longer has reflex.

Rifle hunting bullet no longer lerps on reload.

Bow and Crossbow controller cleaning to avoid weapon draw.

Reloading with magnum bullets no longer lerps.

The Lever Action Rifle reloadspeed option is enabled for scaling.

Tom Clarke may now kill you as part of the zombie horde.

The burning zombie spawner is now gamestaged since that became available.

Too dark in the oven

100 percent dysentery possible

Fix ADS shotgun reflex.

Armor crit resist color mismatch

LOD concerns with ice makers:

Colored office chair material

Corrected seam/marching ants on arch window

Based on level design comments, optimized and altered cement/b/wood rubble piles.

Rubble Piles

Gas station 10

Missing colliders creating paint difficulties on wooden catwalks

Broken beer cooler em

Large blob on treePlainsTree2

Window Trim Bottom had a stray triangle due to faulty verts.

Indestructible terrBedrock at a carwash 1

Fixed collision and paint problems with updated wooden catwalk

Zfighting on little pipes until they are recreated

Metal rail diagonal and stairs railing metal railings no longer collide.

Fixed weird shading on catwalk metal bent

Off-vertex arch window causes seam/marching ants.

Collider issues on floating rails make painting difficult

pole support 1m UV issues

Added 50 stars to flag


Signs of Shotgun Messiah

CJ3 says coyotes may be violent in groups. They don't attack in packs now.

Lockpicks in the incorrect group

Incorrect pipe shotgun attachment list

A sealed hero chest in POI storeautoparts 01

*With default settings, a player would be 100% with only one perk buy. Because of this, even with all 5 ranks, some zombies will sneak past the sledge and reach the player.

ADS for Lever Action Rifle Reflexes

Blend times for Lever Action 3rd Person fire/aim

It no longer shows the bullet pulling back into the pistol.

Fix for hunting rifle left shoulder

Added Lever Action Rifle aim-in/out

Added stray bullet hiding hunting rifle anim.

Fixed hunting rifle reload jitter

Removed ADS artifacts from Auto Shotgun

The stair railing colliders were adjusted for a better transition

Qt centered UV problems

Uv difficulties with half-split cube trim

Adjusted misaligned verts in arch 3m window

Pole0.5m plate: corrected misplaced verts creating distorted UV

Torch uses anim.

Adjusted office 03

Improved zoom in/out on M60.

Mailbox 02 is dim.

Third person stationary firing and idle mixes on draw for FP.

Timing update for Pipe Baton Fire.

Case insensitive Twitch Action instructions.

Snow zombie texture/lighting problem, no radiated variation

Sharp terrain edges in world editing tools

Material tint value, color space balancing, Demo Z normal map within metalness slot

deadTree01 has bad UV

Tier completion tasks have been reduced from 10 to 7.

Inconsistencies in radiated zombie eyes

P50CornerSquareBottom and P50CenteredSquareTop UV problems fixed

Only 80 oil shale in AmmoGasCanBundle (was 800 which can cook 8000 regular ammoGasCan where the bundle is only 1000)

Engine harvest to destruct event on decoCarMotorFlipped

Weapons can't strike the park sign

Custom pipe pistol aim in/out.

New pipe pistol animation with no bullet lerping.

Adg pipe pistol fire/aim time.

Face assignments prevent painting of wedge steep forms

Pipe rifle bullets were out of rhythm upon reload due to blend fixes.

Blends in M60 avoid wrist flipping.

Painted inside awning ramp left/right forms

blindtop mesh commercial

Removed window prefab LOD cull

No thug zombie animations

cntStoreElectronicsBookShelfSpeaker block popping

Other players think you're holding a piece of leather.

Some Advanced Engineering cost savings aren't shown.

DryerOpen flickers while changing LOD

Reworked all metal catwalk and railing mesh alignments and colliders to avoid player pop.

Reworked metal catwalk and railing colliders for easier painting

Pipe Revolver now has weighing.

Dr. Nurse, Fat Hawaiian, and Yo have lighting issues.

Tactical AR aim in/out anims tweaked.

Pathing problem in House Modern 16 (Hernan)

Missing diner 03 concrete texture

Harvested wrench loop

The cntBusSchool glass whiteout is dependent on the weather snow value.

Awkward stool scale

hazardBarrelsAcidOil substitute of hazardBarrelsGeneral

Re-baked the cntBarrelGenSingle00 icon.

3rd person rocket launcher reload timed to weapon anim

Spear repair glitch blend

Prefab biker with wild eyes

The HD Suit radiated material is missing.

Few seats in Theater 01 lack carpet texture

Unused triggers in POI fire station 01

Texture missing in store book 01.

POI “store bank 01” couches clipping walls

Materials on book prefab altered

Use right hold number for book mesh

Sedans Optimised

Master car prefab glass mesh references missing

Incorrect POI imposters with rotation=5

a terrain type position list is empty

RWG haphazard

When not powered, spotlights and motion sensors now shift to their last known rotation.

Loaded ammo does not show up in the rocket launcher.

Block damage from rocket launcher is minimal (HE Ammo)

Wedge60 incline half left - hidden faces

No Player Collisions with New Gravestones

Please restore cliffs

Zfighting at barn 02 (window)

abandoned house 01 Zfighting

neighboring b destroyed01 and 02 hidden faces

Unaligned vertical street tiles

Unaligned street tiles

Unwanted deadends on street tiles

Image processing memory bloat

Last point for country roads

The same seed but various prefabs

Water the bug

Errors in size entering fields

Map generation from Start Game window: Null Ref

The Nail Some Chicks challenge failed.

No Player Collisions with New Gravestones


Subsurface Scattering with HD Rekt Alpha Channel

Incorrectly shaded cop and black automobiles

LOD of burnt maple trees

After RWG generation, SocketException

Close-up depiction of burnt zombie eyes

Hazmat zombie shoulder gib

Face painting on stairs quarter vertical uv

Tech Junkie 8 recipe unlocks require localization.

All arrows (held/dropped) lack bag mesh.

HD Burnt Zombie albedo increase

The new invisible chain link fence material

Set RMOE texture sRGB off

a cut-off depth canyon stamp prohibiting map colors

To prevent janitor cart from cutting into other blocks/walls

POI Diner 02 paint error

Changed mesh and collider names from B to N for metalRailing problems


The charged stun baton's visible sparks vanish when switched.

It doesn't increase stun time.

Inconsistencies in paint texture localisation (i.e. Wood old vs Wood Old)

Knife modifications work on knuckles

Item modifiers "modGunScopeMedium" and "modGunScopeLarge"

The Hunter Mod's tool description is wrong.

Injured/broken arm upgrade prevent HP loss

Saturation and roughness of blue metal

Rebalanced in-game albedo intensity by removing albedo multiply.

Tier1 buried supplies could have spawned zombies (from 1 to .25)

Flashlight/laser/reflex dot in the right places now.

Lanterns now cast shadows

Fragile railings

Garbage compactor at Business Strip 03 is twisted

Abandoned house 05 texture mismatch

Backfaces missing from old doublesided shader

Backfaces missing from old doublesided shader

Desks with holes in them

Window trim bottom voxel face culling changed

Renovating a drywall

Bleeding light decor

Fixed zfighting in Farm Plot Block mesh and UVs.

ZFighting fixes for trellis diamond.FBX meshes and UVs

Prefab house old gambrel 01 roof edge paint missing

Clipping monster closet 11

Spikes cutting through front door

Store salon cntSmall& mediumMedicalPile

cntDumpster cutting through fence

Unwanted air blocks in “house old ranch 04” terrain

Tile missing from pallet boxes

Unwanted Paint at “house old ranch 04′′

Walking on a boarding window sheet 4 (Cabin 08)

Attic box painted wrongly in contemporary 16

Old ranch 03, sleepers not working

Prefab “bombshelter 01” lacks paint

S-issue in some chimney top designs

Zfighting in Prefab 02

Added ZFighting meshes to fence broken 1 and 2.

Deleted repair kits for flashlights line

2 things clipped in carlot 02

“fastfood 02” ceiling texture error

locked/jammed factory lg 01

house 04 window si problem

Church 01: Blocks need paint

Abandoned house 03

clipped house 03 cabinet

Railings at abandoned house 01 prevent entry.

Nurse zombie doesn't show flames

Added bottom plane to Burnt Wood Block 01 collider mesh

2x admin paintbrush animation

Unclear warning about a low attribute disabling a perk

Upgraded woodRailingCNR to metalRailingCNR3d block xml, loc, and icons

mortuary UVs

Fixed window centered shape

WoodRailingCNR has a unique shader.

Low-res textures on electronics

Problem with freezer and beverage loot lists

Set StabilitySupport to false on tree stumps to avoid laying blocks on them.

for solidScrapIronFrameCNRRampFiller downgrades

Treasure chests impervious to charges

Issues with scrapIronFrameCNRRampFiller UV and Icon

Rally Marker quest for Buried Supplies.

Flying and stuck to moving items for clients stutter

Explosions and flames destroy spears.

Some ammo shows 0% Target Armor.

For the 10% rise, AOMv3 book and coffee had no impact.

Town tiles may overlap, halving POIs.

XML for Hazmat feral zombie

Fixed steel arrow location

Town tiles may overlap, halving POIs.

Starvation and dehydration are ineffective and inconsistent.

Buff to all guns. HP ammunition has no flaws, and AP is the greatest.

Remove AP round durability penalty

Missing feral/radiated Hazmat Zombie now spawns ingame

Steel/wood shutter frame geo no longer drops.

No Skyscraper 01 in random gen

Except for snow, plains trees seem out of place.

Rebuilt wire tool mesh for procedural wiring.

Updated manhole anim frame ranges

Compound Crossbow upgraded for laser mod.

Compound Crossbow ADS obstructs vision now.

Bedrock in the wastelands is dark.

With scope mod, Hunting Rifle hand no longer clips on reload.

T1 Rotations

New bolt loading indicator on crossbows.

Seeds might fail and halt play.

It depends on the machine.

Downtown tiles lack POIs

Vertically mounted blade traps aren't generally pink.

Animated roll up doors

RWG water anomalies; memory and bedrock difficulties

Making a second world would not display prefabs.

RWG generation speeds remain sluggish, sometimes stalled on 98 percent creating towns, and occasionally fail.

Town tiles may overlap, halving POIs.

spawning towns in radiated zones

When a mission is completed at a POI, the part farm60 utilized in many farms vanishes.

Too dark headboard and base

I hate Zombie Joe.

Twitch Window would disappear in dialog system.

Some biomes lack wild trails.

Some biomes lack settlements.

No town in a biome means no highways in that biome.

POIs and settlements may now spawn in radiated regions.

Destroy all non-forest spawn

Prevent vertical clipping of wood pallets and b stacks by adjusting their height.

Burnt Zombie Radiated's eyes glow green.

Zombie Skateboarder texture/lighting problem

RWG to distinguish trails from highways for big wilderness POIs

RWG is spawning Wasteland.


POIs and settlements may now spawn in radiated regions.

Car damage0 shadow problems

Shadows on store containers

Shadows on bird nest

Having trouble with POI height?

Pallet blocks clipping container blocks

Investigate the shader's tiling texture problem in the prefab/playtest editor.

Crash while loading XUi control with open parameter

When ‘attFortitude' is not specified

Errors while removing XUi textures

New games' player spawns in automobiles

Falling Debris Entities Cause Rapid Damage

Concrete does not dry until it is used.

Guards against quest resets but not fully.

Crafted items not tracked

halve Gamestage accomplishments

NRE caused by Robotic Sledge inside

Prefab editor stretching and breaking prefab

Playtest cannot be loaded on large POIs.

Playtesting POIs in the Prefab Editor

When saving in World Editor, no notification appears.

The “Save Prefab” notification is now below the 2nd toolbelt.

The playtest button in the prefab editor does not prompt to save modifications.

Playtesting a freshly constructed prefab requires reloading it.

Moving selection box boundaries

Some selection boxes start with the incorrect box color

No scaling of POIs in World Editor

“Show Unpaintable” in Prefab Editor has unwanted consequences

With “Show Quest Loot” enabled, Prefab Editor displays previous placements.

Re-entering the same Prefab Editor session causes client-side exception spam.

Prefab tree spawning issues in playtesting

To adjust SHIFT+CTRL+V previews in the prefab editor

Exception while running console commands during server connect

An IO fault loading serveradmins.xml breaks the main menu.

Start-up error concerning incorrect country code

Error in reading a distant mesh

Compass marker concealed

Overlapping text in statistic

Workstations do not save search results.

Items dropped in the environment when dropped in the center of Tools/Fuel slots

The ‘Wear' command resets the block preview rotation.

Flashlight radial menu controller pop up tip shows LS instead of RS

Radial menus not responding properly with controllers

The creative menu's ALL category is not accessible through hotkeys (triggers on controllers).

Errors while changing toolbelt slots when opening radial

Opening the DebugShot or console windows while an input box is active causes double entry.

Server host files transfer across to client single player

Main menu search field hotkey (default ‘F') now works

A doubleclick on the second UI element is regarded a doubleclick on the first.

It's not random on New or Continue game.

Colors in server browser world names

NRE while clicking an empty game slot

NRE on continue game screen after returning from an old game

“Server canceled the connection” after usual game exit