Name Dead Zone PvE A20 150% XP 150% Loot Wiped 7-3
Server Location United States '
7D2D Version Alpha.20.5.2
Map Betoyema County
Status Online
Players 11/50
Last Checked July 24, 2022, 3:01 a.m.
Likes 35  
Favorites 36  
Server Configuration Details
GameType : 7DTD
GameMode : Survival
GameName : DeadZonePVE6666
ServerDescription : Alpha 20 Dead Zone PvE World 150% XP 150% loot.
ServerWebsiteURL :
LevelName : Betoyema County
GameHost : Dead Zone PvE A20 150% XP 150% Loot Wiped 7-3
Version : Alpha.20.5.2
Region : NorthAmericaEast
Language : English
ServerVersion : Alpha.20.5.2
Platform : WindowsPlayer
ServerLoginConfirmationText : Welcome to DeadZonePvE! \n \n DeadZone is strictly PvE.[-] \n \n Download the icon pack at \n \n Do NOT place a land claim block in prefabs, on any roads, or within 70M of a city or Trader. Do not place a bedroll in or near any prefabs. Your claim and bedroll will be removed. \n \n Do NOT build in reset zones. \n \n Full Server Rules at\n\n Read the description of the starter class and read the descriptions of the class recipes.[-] \n \n If you agree to abide by our server rules, please click Continue to join us.
IP :
UniqueId : fce223949c8048569002376b824fc9a2
WorldSize : 8192
MaxPlayers : 50
FreePlayerSlots : 39
Port : 14263
CurrentPlayers : 11
ServerVisibility : 2
GameDifficulty : 4
DayNightLength : 120
BloodMoonFrequency : 7
BloodMoonRange : 0
BloodMoonWarning : 7
ZombieFeralSense : 0
ZombieMove : 0
ZombieMoveNight : 3
ZombieFeralMove : 3
ZombieBMMove : 4
XPMultiplier : 150
EnemyDifficulty : 0
PlayerKillingMode : 0
DropOnDeath : 0
DropOnQuit : 0
BloodMoonEnemyCount : 8
CurrentServerTime : 5065911
DayLightLength : 18
BlockDamagePlayer : 100
BlockDamageAI : 100
BlockDamageAIBM : 100
AirDropFrequency : 72
PartySharedKillRange : 100
LootAbundance : 150
LootRespawnDays : 5
MaxSpawnedZombies : 65
MaxSpawnedAnimals : 50
LandClaimCount : 5
LandClaimSize : 51
LandClaimDeadZone : 25
LandClaimExpiryTime : 60
LandClaimDecayMode : 2
LandClaimOnlineDurabilityModifier : 0
LandClaimOfflineDurabilityModifier : 0
LandClaimOfflineDelay : 0
BedrollExpiryTime : 45
BedrollDeadZoneSize : 15
DayCount : 3
IsDedicated : True
IsPasswordProtected : False
IsPublic : True
EnemySpawnMode : True
ShowFriendPlayerOnMap : True
BuildCreate : False
EACEnabled : True
AirDropMarker : True
StockSettings : False
StockFiles : True
ModdedConfig : True
Architecture64 : True
Dead Zone PvE A20 150% XP 150% Loot Wiped 7-3

If you think some information above is not accurate or you want to add more details, please contact us.

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