7 Days to Die servers Hosting

FAQ v2


Slots are players. Max. slots means max. number of players that can connect and play. This varies across plans (8-64), but is not subject to customization.

Servers availbility

Our dedicated servers are online 24/7.

How to resubscribe?

Unfortunately, a cancelled sub can’t be re-subscribed (or cancel be un-done). You need to create a new sub. If it expired less than 14 days ago, we have your data and can move it to the new sub.

Botman, CSMM and Servertools

If you are building a large community server with Botman, CSMM, ServerTools and similar solutions please contact us at: sales@supercraft.host as it is not supported in our standard plans.

Revert subscription cancel

Subscription cancellation can’t be reverted. Neither Stripe nor Paypal allow it. In this case you need to create a new subscription. We may move your data to the new server.

Subscription upgrades

Upgrade of a plan changes (increases) the quota and limits of your server. Note, it doesn’t wipe the old server’s data.

Can I import my world?

If you have at least M plan you can import a game save (map and progress) or just a map using the Admin Panel. You should go to “Manage” and then to “Files & Mods”.

Config params

See: https://7d2d.net/control-panel/game-settings

Data import error

The most common error when uploading a map is “Incorrect backup archive – no save_game” . This means the format of your archive is not correct. It is missing the folder ‘save_game’. Please read the instruction carefully and compare the content of your zip file. There are links to sample archives. If you still have a problem, upload it here: https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21AJmc4l1tLBtTYkY&id=DD769A432825265%21354033&cid=0DD769A432825265 and let us know at support@supercraft.host, so we can take a look and resolve it.

Server lag

Please make sure your server is in the closest region to your location. Make sure your hardware spec is correct for the game.


In order to remove/restore player profile and/or region files. please use Manage/Fixer Tool.

Recreate server install

In order to start server world from scratch you need to recreate it. Go to server -> Config -> Mods & Distributions and pick the desired game version. That will replace and recreate the contents of the server with a fresh game image.

Change region

In order to change region please contact us at support@supercraft.host and provide the new region. We will move your data.

Is time paused

With no players connected, the timer gets paused, but server is running 24/7.

Server locations

Our server locations: Montreal/Canada, Portland/US, Sydney/Australia, Paris/Europe, Frankfurt/Europe.

Is steam supported?

We support Steam integration out of the box.

How to enable a21

Go to your server, then -> Configure -> Distros&Modpacks -> Select A21 Stable/Exp”.

Darkness Falls

We support Darkness Falls for A20.x in M, L and XL plan. There is no need to install it manually. It just needs to be activated as a mod-pack.

Can’t connect

In case of problems with connection please make sure you are using the address:port value from the Details tab and you use it in “Connect to IP”. If you can’t connect (e.g. you are behind a firewall) in Server/Configure you may try to set “Server Disabled Network Protocols” to “LiteLibNet”. Also, please see: https://7d2d.net/connecting-to-the-game/

Error 500

Error 500 means there is a processing error on our side. Please report it to support@supercraft.host. Thanks.

Is A21 supported

We support A21 Stable, A20.7 Stable, A21.x Experimental.


Performance issues may be caused by several different factors. 1) your location being distant from the server location (make sure you picked the right region), 2) temporary issue with server being overloaded (we monitor and try to prevent it as much as we can), 3) #2 + your CPU priority based on your plan is relatively low comparing to other server processes. If the issue persist please contact us at support@supercraft.host providing all details like how many players, time, your server details etc.

Validation error

“Validation error” may be caused by an account already registered with this email. Please contact us at support@supercraft.host. You may also try a different email.


Our refund policy (https://7d2d.net/terms) allows refund within the first 7 days of using the service (the first subscription counts) and only once per customer (new subscriptions and/or upgrades do not apply). If you are eligible, please cancel your server and contact us via email.

Integrated map gen

The integrated map generator is compatible with A19 only. A20 has a different generator (and map format) and no external, automated tool like KingGen or Nitrogen exists as of now. If it any of such comes out, it will be integrated.


We focus on supporting our hosting service. For gameplay questions please use our Discord channel.

Using mods

If you have at least plan M you can upload your mods. Go to Manage/Files&Mods and upload them. In L and XL you can also use FTP. We also provide multiple integrated overhaul mods – all in a 1-click fashion. Please read the spec: https://7d2d.net/compare-hosting-plans.

A21 pregen maps

We support A21 pregen maps.

Shows unpaid

Please contact us at support@supercraft.host. We will resolve the issue.

Support tier

Support tier is support priority. In S we support only critical cases like server doesn’t work. For M we may assist you in less severe cases. In L plans we may help you with mods setup, in XL plan we can make manual customizations or install non-standard mods.


We accept payments in Stripe and Paypal. Note, it is a subscription model, you are being auto-charged. If you have issues and are not able to successfully pay, please contact us at support@supercraft.host. We can resolve it, but e.g. providing you a direct link to Paypal payment (to use outside of our web page). Note, we can’t change/replace your payment method in a subscription. If the payment method used is no longer valid, you need to create another one (cancel old, and move data using “Move Server” button on the cancelled subscription).

Change game files

You can change game files that are not contained in the “data” directory (core game distribution content). This includes e.g. save, map etc. You can do it by uploading a zip archive (mods or map/save) and potentially modifying the needed files prior to compressing and uploading. Settings of server-settings.xml and server-admin.xml are managed using “Configure” panel (as UI fields) . Also, if you have a need to change some particular file (e.g. set property’s value) please contact us: support@supercraft.host / Discord.

How this works

See: https://7d2d.net/how-it-works

Server won’t start

Server doesn’t start. There can be several reasons. 1) Please check the console logs if there errors. It may be e.g. a corrupted file or a mod that is incompatible, 2) Try to Kill the process and Restart. If still doesn’t work, contact us at support@supercraft.host. If you found errors: please attach them in your email.


War3zuk is supported as 1-click overhaul mod in plan L and XL. There is no need to install it.

Mischief Maker

Mischief Maker mod is supported (can be uploaded and gotten to work) for A19.


We make daily backups and keep 3 last copies. You can have restore them in Manage section (“Backups”) or have them restored for you on your request. Also, in the Manage/Files&Mods section, you can download (and upload) your world save anytime you want.

Is ftp supported

We provide support for FTP in plans: L and XL. You can also change game files that are not contained in the “data” directory (core game distribution content). This includes e.g. save, map etc. You can do it by uploading a zip archive (mods or map/save) and potentially modifying the needed files prior to compressing and uploading. Settings of server-settings.xml and server-admin.xml are managed using “Configure” panel (as UI fields) . Also, if you have a need to change some particular file (e.g. set property’s value) please contact us: support@supercraft.host / Discord.

Forgot password

In order to reset password go to: https://7d2d.net/password-reset. If the email is not coming (e.g. is in spam folder), please contact us at support@supercraft.host.


We always provide enough CPU power to run the plan and mods that are supported on the plan. However, if you install your own mods that are CPU hungry or set server settings far beyond defaults causing heavy CPU consumption you might be throttled if there is no free computing power – in that case, lower plans will be throttled first.


In order to cancel your subscription (and hence recurring billing), log to the panel, find your server and click “Cancel” button.


For plans details and comparison visit: https://7d2d.net/compare-hosting-plans.

Corrupted player files

I you can’t log in (typically stuck at “creating player”) while other players can, you should go to MANAGE and use Fixer tool to either delete or restore player’s files.

Make myself admin

You can add admins in the “Configuration” section. Changes require a
restart to apply. You can also use console in the management section –
this doesn’t require restart, but is persisted. Command to add an
admin: “admin add your.steam.login 0”

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