Ravenhearst Mod – New update
Ravenhearst 8.5.4 is for play on 20.5b2 Stable ONLY
EAC MUST be disabled while playing this mod
-Fixed Description Repair Info for Taza’s Stone Axe
-Fixed Screws being added to rebar frame recipe Working Grills no longer yield a grill and resources
-All Grills Now Work Properly. They Cook and Turn On and Off Normally
-Added Missing Tiered Ferals
-Worms No Longer Scrap
-Compost No Longer Can Compost Itself
-Separated Night Terrors/AOO Monsters etc into their own modlets so they can be removed safely by those who wish to have zombies only
-Lowered Exploder and Vomiting Custom Zeds Damage
-Fixed description for Farm Quest Displaying wrong LOTL Table Unlock Level
-Urban Warfare Vol 1 Now Craftable in Research Desk
-Oak Cooker Now Displays recipes properly
-Tiered Building Tools: Stone Axe Upgrades to Scrap and Cobble, Hammer upgrades to Iron an Concrete, Nailgun upgrades to Steel
-Fixed Menu Items Reading KgNone
-Removed Copter Corpse
-Added Hornet
-Added Riding Lawn Mower by Zilox and ocbMaurice found here: https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/2281 Grass shows up on ground as collectible bags much like arrows.
Following can be removed without messing up the game:
-1_Ravenhearst_NightTerrors (Removes Night Terrors)
-1-AOOMonsterPack (Removes Monsters)
-1-AOONightWatchers (Removes Watchers and Mutated Animals)
-1-SoldierPack (Removes Soldiers)
-1-YeOldeUndeadPack (Removes Skeletons)
-OcbBetterPlants (Removes Random Grow Timers on Plants)
-PickLockedDoors (Removes Lock Pickable Doors)
-Ravenhearst_FarmingPlantsWiltAndDie (Removes Crops Wilting and Dying)
-Ravenhearst_FarmingZombiesTrampleCrops (Removes Zombies Trampling Crops)
-JaxTeller718-ZombieReach (Shortens Reach Lower Than Vanilla. Remove this to go back to vanilla reach on zombies)
-Sprinklers and Pipes now cover 3×3 area instead of 5×5
-Added All Ores to Perks. RH Ores are now part of the in Game Perks
-Wrenching a Recycler gives you a 70 percent chance to receive a collapsed recycler. Can be used to craft a working one.
-Fixed Hydroponic Seeds Nulling
-Added Corpse Blocks to Zombies
-Updated Spherecore
-Enemies No Longer Die in Morning
-Adding Journal and Loading Screen Tips for Recycling, Composting and Breeding
-Lock Picked Door Timers are now Persistent
-Fixed Not Being Able to Craft Scrap Materials in Forge
-Worms Now Scrappable in Recycler
-Fixed Name on Chili Tacos
-Removed Hematite and replaced with other ingredients
-Fixed Localization on Hydroponic Items
-Fixed Cannabis Not Growing to Fertilized Stage 3
-Upgraded rh_house_LB_001 to Tier 2
-Increased Ingredients to Make Compost and Fertilizer
-Removed Worm recipe. Have to Dig Now.
-Clarified Irrigation a bit on Tips and Quest
-Super Nailgun now Accepts All Building Materials
-Lowered Sound on WFU
-Lowered Construction Tool XP
-Increased Mining XP
-Fish Farms, Chicken Coops and Beehives no longer wilt and disappear
-Oak Raven Crates Material, Health and Repair Items Adjusted
-Oak Raven Chests Now Give Back Chest When Destroyed
-Reduced Fire Boss Damage
-Removed Fire Chicken
-Fish Should No Longer Require Water to Grow
-Chicken Coops Should No Longer Require Water
-Zombies Will No Longer Spawn on Empty Farm Plots
-Added New Night Sounds
-Replaced some music on the radio with more appropriate ambience
-Added Trowel, Screwdriver and Kitchen Knife. Not useable in game but placeholders
-Lowered craft times on Composter and Hoe
-Living off the land no longer gives bonus crops. Only LOTL 5 gives a bonus harvest. Fertilize the crops.
-Hazmat Suit is now Light Armor
-Armoured Hazmat Renamed to Wasteland Armour
-Increased Time in between Drink Wellness and Food Wellness
-Sprains and Strain Kit Recipe Now Medic Exclusive
-Buffed Shortys Stew
-Buffed All Smoker Foods
-Smoker recipe now exclusive to chef
-Ergonomic Mod Added to Miner and Lumberjack Class
-Smoker Foods Recipe Added To Shamway
-Clarified descriptions on all Hazmat Pieces
-Fixed Hazmat T5 Stats
-Removed Flour from Personal Workbench
-Fixed Invisible Male Corpse Issue on Gore Blocks
-Lowered time for zombie to turn to gore to 1 tick
-Increased Dead Body Hit Points
-All Water will now be damaged by crops. 5 Points of damage per cycle
-Removed Problematic Fish Models
-Water Range for Crops reduced to 3×3
-Added Fish Tackle Box For Storing Fish
-Added Smell To All Raw Meats and Fish
-No Durability armor items now Display on UI Paper Doll
-Fixed Aloe Cream Scrapping to bone
-Hazmat Suit Now Shows On Paper Doll
-Coffee wellness Reduced from 3 to 1
-Dented Cans Now Has Same Dysentery Values
-Corspses Now Harvest Bone Fragments
-Removed Hang Glider and Helicopter from Loot in Prep to Remove Completely
-Addeed Box Truck, Old Semi and Work Truck Schematics to Tier 5 Loot
-Fire Boss Now Appears Only On Blood Moons after GS 500
-Fat Puker now only appears on Blood Moons after GS 1000
-Reduced Block Damage on Both
-Increased Breed Timers on Fish Farm to 240 minutes
-Adjusted Stats on Fish Food
-Lowered Sell Price on Fish Food
-Fixed Description on Wasteland Armor
-Fixed Recorder Journal Tip
-Added Radio Broadcasts to Traders
-Lessened Fog
-Brightened Nights Slightly
-Added T5 Crates That Spawn Randomly in Wasteland (Will be Expanded Upon, New World Required to See Them)
-Increased Ores Found In Wasteland
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