User's Guide

Admin Panel: Basic operations

Sign up.

If you don’t already have a 7D2D.NET profile, we can help you create one. Go to “Get Started” Tab.

Hot to get started
How to get started

In the Get Started window, type the email address and password you want to use. Click the Sign Up button . Remember to prove that you are not a robot by clicking the reCAPTCHA tab. By signing up you agree to our Terms of Service.

Sign in.

Go to Sign in Tab. 

Log in to the admin panel
How to log into your account

In the Sign in window, type the email address and password you have used before, during the Sign Up process. Click the Sign in button to continue. 

On the main page, you can see the table of contents:

Admin panel left pane
Shows the main dashboard

My servers tab

It is your game servers list. You can have as many servers as you want.

In this section you are able to dive into game options (with button) and manage your server (with button).


In the Configure window, you can manage players, distributions, gameplay settings. 

Admin panel - server details
Shows server details with different settings

Manage window provides many server actions such as 

Basic buttons in Manage window

To add a new game server, you basically click tab. Now you are able to choose between four different plans: 

Admin panel - create new dedicated server
Shows all hosting plans


Information collection about your account. You are able to do a few actions here. 

  1. You can connect your Steam account. By typing your Steam ID and clicking button.
  2. You can change your password with the button.
  3. You can delete your account with the button. 


Your all payments info in one place.


It shows what you have already done with your server account.


Section created for you to be always up to date. 


With the Manual Guide to navigate easily.


If it is needed, you can always ask for help from our chat bot or direct request on Discord/Twitter or contact form.

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