
A21 Highlights

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See: https://7d2d.net/A21

Take a look at one of the brand new and updated Trader POIs that will be available in Alpha 21 very soon. Outstanding effort put in by the TFP Level and Art Teams.

Trader POIs

Feverishness caused by all of the newly built and renovated cabins.

Renovated cabins

This is a preview of some updated downtown business strips that will be arriving in Alpha 21 very soon. Excellent work done by Earl.

Downtown business strips

This brand-new workbench is an absolute masterpiece! James was responsible for the concept, and Yongha was the model. This is just one of the hundreds of new and reworked props that will be arriving in Alpha 21 very soon.


Take a look at this brand-new nursing home that Hernan designed. This is just one of the hundreds of newly added and improved POIs that will be available on Alpha 21 very soon.

Nursing Home POI

My opinion is that one of the smartest choices The Fun Pimps have ever made was to contract the services of professional level designers. I really like the dungeon-like atmosphere of the locations. It is completely new, there is nothing like it in 7d2D at the moment, nothing with blocks that skinny, and it looks like they are really cranking up the level of detail quite a bit. That Pergela pathway looks awesome, and it is also completely new.

Alpha 21 will soon have a brand new vending machine available for your snacking pleasure. Outstanding effort on the part of Hung and Brian! Take a look at this brand-new nursing home that Hernan designed. This is just one of the hundreds of newly added and improved POIs that will be available on Alpha 21 very soon.

Vending Machine

This is a new Tier 4 Army Camp POI that will be arriving in Alpha 21 very soon. Earl, the Level Designer, did a fantastic job!

Army Camp POI

More to come!

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