User's Guide

Changing distribution (mod-packs)

Go to My Servers > Configure > Distributions & ModPacks

7d2d modpacks
Distributions and ModPacks options

Here, you can find all different game versions with Accessories. 

On the top there is a Stable (Basic) Version displayed. 

Then you can see a few ModPacks.

Once you choose a version, you install it by clicking

WARNING: Installation process will delete your game progress. 

Adding custom mods

Go to My Servers > Manage 

Find Files & Mods 

Files and Mods button

You can add a custom mod: 

Upload a mod archive

Simply type the mod name and choose a mod file (zip pack) from your computer.


Go to https://7daystodiemods.com/ and choose a mod you like. 

After you choose, on the page bottom, you will have Download button (might be with the Mod Version): 

Click Download. 

Choose a mod file (zip pack) from your computer: 

7d2d mods download
An example of uploading a mod

And click Upload. 

Depending on the file size, loading takes from a few seconds to a few minutes. 

Uploading 7 days to die mods
Shows an uploaded mod

Once the loading process is done, you can see in the Mods list, your freshly added Halmod Expansion.

To delete a mod, simply click the Delete button.

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