There are three ways to send commands to the server:
Command | Shortcut | Description | Example |
help | Prints help text for supported commands. | help ban | |
admin add <name / entity id / steam id> | “Used to add a player to the admin list with the desired permission level. Note that you can use the players entityid | playername | |
admin remove <name / entity id / steam id> | “Used to remove a player from the admin list. Type ““lpi”” to find an ID.” | admin remove 171 | |
ai pathgrid | TBD – added in A19.2 b3 | ||
ai pathlines (was: ai path) | TBD – renamed in A19.2 b3 | ||
aiddebug | Toggles AIDirector debug output. | ||
ban add <name / entity id / steam id> [reason] | “Bans a player from the game for in with a reason of [reason] (optional). Duration units are minutes | hours | |
ban 282 1 year hacking” | |||
ban list | “Print a list of banned players with their duration | ID | |
ban remove <name / entity id / steam id> | “Remove a ban. Find a list of banned player IDs using ““ban list””.” | ban remove 171 | |
buff | Applies a buff to the local player (you). Buff names can be found in 7 Days To Die\Data\Config\buffs.xml | buff CoffeeStaminaBoost | |
buffplayer <name / entity id / steam id> | “Applies a buff to the selected player. Type ““lpi”” to find an ID. Buff names can be found in 7 Days To Die\Data\Config\buffs.xml.” | buffplayer 171 CoffeeStaminaBoost | |
chunkcache | cc | Shows all loaded chunks in the cache. | |
clear | Clears all output text in the command console | ||
cp add | “Used to add a command to the command permission list with the desired permission level. Use ““cp list”” to view commands.” | cp add gettime 0 | |
cp remove | Used to remove a command from the command permission list. | cp remove gettime | |
cp list | “Display a list of current command permissions. ““1000″” is the lowest (Guest or normal player) while ““0″” is the highest (Host or Admin).” | ||
creativemenu | cm | Enables or disables the Creative Menu | |
deathscreen <on/off> | Display the blood-filled death screen during normal gameplay. This does not hurt or kill the player but it diminishes visibility. | ||
debuff | Remove a buff from the local player (you). | debuff buffLegBroken | |
debuffplayer <name / entity id / steam id> | Remove a buff from the targeted player. | debuff 171 buffLegBroken | |
debugmenu [on/off] | dm | “Toggles Debug Mode on or off. This allows God mode (G key) | the debug menu (ESC) |
enablescope <on/off> | es | Toggle debug scope. | |
exhausted | Makes the player exhausted. | ||
exportcurrentconfigs | Exports the currently used configs to %appdata%/7DaystoDie/Saves///Configs on Windows and .local/share/7DaystoDie/Saves///Configs on Linux.Useful for mod development. [1] | ||
exportitemicons | Exports all item icons to the 7 Days To Die\ItemIcons folder. Extremely useful for wiki editing! | ||
getgamepref | gg | “Prints a list of current game preferences to the console (airdrop frequency | daylight length |
getgamestat | ggs | “Prints a list of current game stats to the console (land claim size | difficulty |
gettime | gt | Prints current number of days and time. | |
gfx af <0 or 1> | “Sets the anisotropic filtering to off(0) or on(1 | default).” | |
gfx dti | Set distant terrain instancing (A19.2 b3) | ||
gfx dtpix | Set distant terrain pixel error (A19.2 b3) | ||
givequest | Give yourself a quest. Quest names can be found in 7 Days To Die\Data\Config\quests.xml. The example command can be used to skip to the end of the tutorial quests. This is also immensely helpful for modded quests. | givequest quest_BasicSurvival8 | |
giveself [quality level] | Drops an item at your feet with maximum (600) quality. Use the optional [quality level] to specify. Item names can be found in 7 Days To Die\Data\Config\items.xml | giveself machete | |
giveselfskillxp * | Increase the specified skill by of experience. The MUST be capitalized and spaced correctly. | giveselfskillxp Mining Tools 1000 | |
giveselfxp | Increase your experience by . | giveselfxp 1000 | |
kick <name / entity id / steam id> [reason] | “Kicks a player from the game. Type ““lpi”” to find an ID. [reason] is optional.” | kick 171 bye | |
kickall [reason] | Kicks all players from the game. [reason] is optional. | kickall bye | |
killall | Kills all players and entities. | ||
lights | “Toggles display of an outline around all light-emitting objects (candles | campfires | |
listents | le | “Lists all entities currently in game (zombies | players |
listlandclaim | llp | “Lists all active Land Claim Blocks with player name | world ID |
listplayerids | lpi | Lists all players and their IDs. | |
listplayers | lp | “Lists all players with IDs | positions |
listthreads | lt | Lists all threads. | |
loggamestate [true/false] | lgs | “Writes information on the current state of the game (memory usage | entities |
loglevel <true/false> | “Telnet/web only. Select which types of log messages are shown on the connection. By default | all log messages are printed on every connection. Log levels: INF | |
mem | Prints memory information and calls garbage collector. | ||
memcl | Prints memory information on client and calls garbage collector. | ||
pplist | Prints Persistent Player data. | ||
removequest | Removes a quest. Quest names can be found in 7 Days To Die\Data\Config\quests.xml. | ||
repairchunkdensity [fix] | rcd | “Used to check if the densities of blocks in a chunk match the actual block type. If there is a mismatch it can lead to the chunk rendering incorrectly or not at all | indicated by the error message ““Failed setting triangles. Some indices are references out of bounds vertices.”” It can also fix mismatches within a chunk. and are the coordinates of any block within the chunk to check. Adding ““fix”” to the end of the command will repair any mismatches.” |
saveworld | sa | Manually saves the world. | |
say | Sends a server message to all connected clients. | ||
setgamepref | sg | “Sets a gamepref. Preference names can be viewed with the ““gg”” command (getgamepref).” | sg ZombiesRun 0 |
setgamestat | sgs | “Sets a gamestat. Stat names can be viewed with the ““ggs”” command (getgamestat).” | sgs LandClaimExpiryTime 10 |
settempunit | stu | “Sets the temperature unit to Celsius (c) or Fahrenheit (f | default).” |
“settime day | |||
settime night | |||
settime | |||
settime ” | st | “Sets the current game time. is in the 24h/military format (1pm is 1300). [hour] and [minute] are not. You can also set the | which is the number of total days that have passed. Type ““help settime”” for more info.” |
settime 6 15 0” | |||
showalbedo | albedo | Toggles display of albedo in gBuffer. | |
showchunkdata | sc | Shows some data of the current chunk. | |
showclouds | Artist command to show one layer of clouds. | ||
shownexthordetime | Displays the wandering horde time. | ||
shownormals | norms | Toggles display of normal maps in gBuffer. | |
showspecular | spec | Toggles display of specular values in gBuffer. | |
shutdown | Shuts the game down. | ||
sounddebug | Toggles SoundManager debug output. | ||
spawnairdrop | Spawns an air drop. | ||
spawnentity | se | “““se”” by itself prints a list of entity IDs. Type ““lpi”” to find an ID. You may also use the Entity Spawner (F6) in Debug Mode to spawn an entity.” | |
spawnscouts | Spawns 1 Screamer in the distance and makes it navigate towards the location where the command was used. | ||
spawnscreen | Displays spawn screen. | ||
spawnsupplycrate | Spawns a supply crate above the player. | ||
spawnwh | Spawns a wandering horde in the distance; these hordes will move generally towards the player’s location when they were spawned (but not GPS at the player). (verified for A19.2 by faatal @TFP) | ||
spectrum | “Force a lighting spectrum. Choices are Biome | BloodMoon | |
starve | Makes the player hungry. | ||
staticmap | Switches the Navazgane map between static and dynamic | ||
switchview | sv | Switches the player view between 1st person and 3rd person views. This can also be done in Debug Mode by hitting F5. | |
systeminfo | “Print info about the current system (CPU | operating system | |
“teleport <E / W> [y] <N / S> | |||
teleport <E / W> <N / S> | |||
teleport <target player name/steam id/entity id> | |||
teleport offset <inc E / W> <inc N / S>” | tp | “Teleport the local player (you) to specified location. If using [y] (optional) use -1 to spawn on the ground. Use only <E / W> and <N / S> to always spawn on the ground. Use ““offset”” to teleport based on current position (e.g. 3 meters north inside a locked building). Type ““help tp”” for more info. South and West are negative | (-) before number.” |
tp -200 300 | |||
tp 171 | |||
tp offset 3 1 0” | |||
“teleportplayer <name / player id / steam id> <E / W> <N / S> | |||
teleportplayer ” | tele | “Teleport the target player to specified location. Use y = -1 to spawn on the ground. Use another player’s name or ID to teleport one player to another (such as to yourself). Type ““lpi”” to print a list of player IDs. Type ““help tele”” for more info.South and West are negative | (-) before number.” |
tele 171 365 | |||
tele = friend to you.” | |||
thirsty | Makes the player thirsty. | ||
traderarea | If a player is within a trader area they will be forced out but can reenter unless trader is closed. | ||
updatelighton <name / player id / steam id> | Commands for UpdateLightOnAllMaterials and UpdateLightOnPlayers. | ||
version | Print the version of the game and loaded mods. | ||
water | “Control water settings. Type ““help water”” for more info.” | ||
weather | “Control weather settings. Type ““help weather”” for more info.” | ||
weathersurvival <on / off> | Toggles weather survival. | ||
whitelist add <name / player id / steam id> | Adds a player to the whitelist. | ||
whitelist remove <name / player id / steam id> | Removes a player from the white list. | ||
whitelist list | Prints a list of all whitelisted players. |
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