25.09.2022 War3zuk-Alpha-20.6 - AIO STABLE Updated v7.7 to v7.8 - Updated GUI/Windows.xml (20.6 B9) - Updated RWGMixer.xml (20.6 B9) Launcher…
04.10.2022 Darkness Falls V4.1.1-DEV-B2 is available for anyone who wants to poke at it! Notes for B1 and B2 as…
10.10.2022 Undead Legacy Version: 2.6.11 Game version: A20.6 b9 - Changed vehicle radial menu interaction icons for storage and service…
23.07.2022 Ravenhearst 8.5.4 is for play on 20.5b2 Stable ONLY EAC MUST be disabled while playing this mod -Fixed Description…
10.10.2022 A6.2 Changes: - Fixed Helicopter Ammo (Recipe caused Errors) - Removed Trader Teleport from Vehicle trader and Temple Trader…
02.09.2022 MASSIVE UPDATE (v1.42) - LIVE TO PUBLIC! • Added: Unique Fire POI (T3). • Added: Unique Lightning POI (T3). …
20.08.2022 Version 2.991 Game Version: 20.6 !!!EACH MUST BE OFF!!! -Mod Dependencies: SCore v. NPCmod v. FullautoLauncher v.1.1.2 RandomMainmenuBackground v1.0.1…
02.09.2022 V3.0.6 Stable Note : - This Patch might Require a Fresh game - Added the Shotgun Tube Extender Magazine…
21.08.2022 V20.6.2.2 Released onto Stable Branch 19.08.2022 V20.6.2.2 Update Notes: (Experimental) -Updated NPC Mod for A20.6 Compatibility 30.07.2022 V20.5.2.1 Update…
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